Underwater Pleasures

My intro into the Caribbean was embedded through a journey of trials, pain, and the loss of my father. It was in the first months of being in St Thomas where my healing began. The Caribbean has a way of inner healing, inner peace, and an understanding of the “quiet” that most people in our fast-moving society seldom get to experience.
This translated through the water onto the canvas. The sea life that ends up on the canvas, whether a turtle, fish, birds, jellyfish, or mystical mermaids all represent a spirit of freedom in their own individual dances. Standing in the water looking down its clear path, one can see all the moving parts, all the life that coexist perfectly together all at once, flawlessly.
It is my goal that when my art is looked at, individuals will know what waits for them in the waters. Their own individual story to be created. Be still! The sea is waiting, laughter is waiting, rich culture is waiting, but most of all, inner peace that flows within the islands is waiting. A place where people go for a day, a week, or a lifetime to experience healing, peace, and tranquility. It all awaits them within the waters where their souls are soothed, families are connected, and their moments stand still in time. All that’s left is free flowing movements and memories that are made.

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